Registration & Forms

Thank you for choosing Euclid Schools for your child(ren)’s education! Our staff looks forward to working with you to help your students achieve success and thrive in our schools.

*Parents registering for Preschool and PreK will first complete the online registration to enroll in Euclid City Schools. Then complete the Preschool Enrollment Packet that can be located to the right, under Registration Forms.
Once completed, contact Diane Iosue at (216) 797-4787 for an appointment to complete the enrollment process.

Step 1 - Complete your online application and schedule an in-person appointment at the conclusion of the application or by calling (216) 797-2933. The Registration Office is open for in-person appointments Monday- Friday from 8:30am-4:00pm and some evenings and weekends during peak season. 

Step 2- Bring the following documents to the appointment:

  • Birth Certificate - A copy of the child’s birth certificate, passport, or equivalent

  • Parent/Guardian Identification - Ohio driver’s license or photo identification card

  • Record of all required immunizations

  • Proofs of Residency in school district

    1. Mail - TWO Utility Bills addressed to parent/legal guardian dated within the last 30 days OR ONE Utility Bill and ONE piece of Business Mail

      • Utility Bill

        • Gas, Electric, Water, Sewer, Cable, or Internet

      • Business Mail

        • Voter Registration, Paycheck or Pay Stub, Car Statement, Credit Card Statement, Bank Statement, Public Agency Award Letter, Tax Correspondence, Rental, Health or Auto Insurance, Professional Mail (i.e. Dentist, Lawyer, Doctor/Hospital)

    2. One of the following: mortgage document or current signed lease; Property Owner/Landlord Affidavit (where applicable)

  • Custody Papers, if applicable- Court documents (certified copy) required, as follows:

    1. Divorce – Divorce decree (must establish residential parent for schooling purposes

    2. Custody – Journal entry from Juvenile Court

    3. Guardianship – Letter of Guardianship from Probate Court

  • School Records

    1. Report card from previous school

    2. Individualized Education Plan (IEP), 504 Plan, Evaluation Team Report (ETR) if student received Special Education services in previous school

If your child is coming from another school you will need a "Withdrawal Form" from that school.


Please enter the Fordyce parking lot off of Westport Ave, just north of the High School. The address to Fordyce is 651 E. 222nd St. Euclid, OH 44123. Parking for visitors and those registering their child/ren is in the center of the main parking lot. Please enter through the main entrance at the inside corner of the building. Please call us at (216) 797-2933 if you need assistance with entering the building.

Parking Map for Fordyce

Registration Hours

Monday: 11:30am - 4:00pm
Tuesday: 8:30am - 4:00pm
Wednesday: 8:30am - 4:00pm
Thursday: 8:30am - 4:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 3:00pm

(216) 797-2933

651 E. 222nd St.
Euclid, OH 44123

Registration Forms

Withdrawal Form

Residency Affidavit

Name Custody Change

Immunization Exemption

Bus Stop Change Request

Address Change

1-to-1 Device Agreement

Non-Public Transportation

Preschool Enrollment Packet

Helpful Resources

How to disable pop-up blockers

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